

For individuals responsible for the planning and delivery of a program of projects

Applying the required skills and knowledge for managing to achieve outcomes from multiple projects


This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply specialised knowledge and skills, together with experience in program management to direct, plan, and lead a range of program functions to achieve organisational objectives.

They use a range of high level skills to identify, analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources and transfer their knowledge to others.  Creative and/or conceptual skills will be demonstrated to express ideas and perspectives or respond to complex problems.

This course combines best-practice advanced project and program management theory with practical examples of workplace application.

SEEC Ability’s team of experienced program managers and trainers have extensive on-the-job experience across a broad range of industries and have access to the latest in research international thinking new and emerging standards and industry best practice. They offer real world examples to demonstrate how the practical application of theory can deliver business outstanding benefits.

After completing this course, SEEC Ability students will have a broadened knowledge and understanding of program management principles and processes to effectively contribute to the management of a program, or to have responsibility for directing  a large complex project or multiple projects as a program. You will be equipped with an understanding of project management methodologies with the application of tools, techniques and methods and will be able to:

  • Integrate program elements
  • Balance and prioritise projects within a program;
  • Manage program resources
  • Identify and implement appropriate project and program governance mechanisms
  • Apply program quality management, assurance and control practices
  • Lead program teams
  • Implement program risk management strategies
  • Identify and manage program benefits
  • Apply project controls throughout the project lifecycle
  • Identify and implement recommendations and lessons learned to continually improve projects

This course is designed for those with project management experience including:

  • Program managers directing multiple projects or programs,

  • Project directors managing large projects or programs,

  • Senior managers with multiple project/program managers reporting to them or

  • Project managers wanting to develop the skills to take on large and complex projects and programs

The Advanced Diploma of Program Management is a nationally-recognised, competency-based qualification. This course combines best-practice advanced project and program management theory with practical examples of workplace application.

It consists of 12 competency units. 4 are core units and the other 8 can come from those listed or other accredited Diploma level units:
– At least 6 units must be selected from the elective units listed below.
– The remaining elective units may be chosen from the elective units listed below or any endorsed Training Package or accredited course at Advanced Diploma level
– 1 unit may be from any endorsed Training Package or accredited course at Diploma level.
– Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification.

Core units:

  • BSBPMG630 – Enable program execution

  • BSBPMG634 – Facilitate stakeholder engagement

  • BSBPMG635 – Implement program governance

  • BSBPMG636 – Manage benefits

Elective units:

  • BSBPMG631 – Manage program delivery

  • BSBPMG632 – Manage program risk

  • BSBPMG633 – Provide leadership for the program

  • BSBPMG637 – Engage in collaborative alliances

  • PSPMGT006 – Develop a business case

  • AHCBUS615 – Implement a monitoring evaluation and reporting program

  • BSBFIN601 – Manage Organisational finances

  • ICTICT612 – Develop contracts and manage contracted performance
  • ICTICT616 – Develop communities of practice
  • BSBLDR601 – Lead and manage organisational change

  • BSBPEF502 – Develop and use emotional intelligence

  • BSBMGT520 – Plan and manage the flexible workforce

  • BSBSTR601 – Manage innovation and continuous improvement

18 months to 2 years – dependent upon mode of delivery

It is suggested that participants have:

  • Minimum 5 years of Project Management experience managing multiple, complex projects and/or programs.

  • Knowledge of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) or hold the Diploma of Project Management.

Candidates will also complete and submit the Pre-course form to ensure this is the best professional development opportunity and if RPL would be appropriate.

For this Nationally Recognised Qualification, the assessment for BSB61218 is against the competency standards in the Business Service Training Package.

Students are required to undertake a number of assessment activities, including:

  • Assessment tasks
  • Written question and answers: and
  • Provide a portfolio of evidence

Students can expect to spend 90 to 120 hours on assessment tasks.

This course provides a practical hands-on style workshop that addresses the key knowledge and skills required by Project Managers. It incorporates a blend of formal learning, experiences and interactive sessions that provide a sound understanding of how to manage the areas of greatest importance to most Project Managers.

SEEC Ability delivers training in a flexible manner, enabling students to apply the skills and knowledge gained immediately after each session of this course.

Take advantage of our flexible training and assessment options designed for busy people but also for those who value the opportunity to really Learn.

  • Face to face – Minimum Group size 8 students

  • On-line – The learning environment provides access to study guides, assessment materials and submission links and online support from your assessor.

  • Blended use of learning materials, online and/or face to face support

  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is  available. This is assessment only where the assessor will assess evidence of existing skills and knowledge against the competency standards. Applicants may be eligible to have previous studies and work experience recognised towards the qualification.

Assessment by portfolio and interview is available to those with workplace experience in program management. This approach requires the candidate to furnish                  substantive evidence of managing programs in their workplace along with a signed reference from a current client or supervisor.

Talk to us about the right mode of delivery for you.

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